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Home Page Redesign

For Nathan’s flagship experience, I was tasked with crafting a design solution that respected the brands history of providing experienced runners with premium hydrations products. While also introducing Nathan as a premium brand for running clothing and essentials.
Nathan has always had a strong presence in the running community for their hydration products. My approach was the elevate that presence, and bring it to life in a clear, simple execution, while finding a balance with culture, business and environment.
Nathan Homepage Video

Product Details Page

My first assignment when I started this position was to work on the Product Details Page. The only restriction I faced was that I couldn't alter anything structurally. The experience itself wasn't awful, but it clearly needed an uplift.
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Being constrained had its difficulties, but I made the best of what I had, and what I could control. Enhancing the page's hierarchy through positioning and white space to enable consumers to freely browse without being overwhelmed. Encouraging enough to select the Add To Bag button.

Once hierarchy and spacing was resolved, I worked on enhancing a few UI elements to elevate and finish off the page.
Increased Conversion Rate
Increase In Mobile Revenue

Email Marketing Templates

Do to the the low open rate that Nathan's emails were facing, I was tasked to give an uplift And redesign the look and feel of Nathan’s Marketing emails.
With the quantity of marketing emails sent on a weekly basis, it was important to keep A few things in mind when redesigning these email templates. Giving the brand an elevated and fresh new look was of course at the top of the list, but it was also important to create a series of modular templates that the production designers could utilize and use on a daily basis.
Increased Open Rate
Increase In Placed Order Rate